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comparison papers

comparison papersRead the document/lecture titled Comparison Papers found in this lesson module. It is an
option(option as in optional?dont ask me if you have to do a comparison paper because, as
Ive said here?its optional) for you to rework your original paper by making a comparison to another work. If you chose this option, think carefully about how you will approach your new paper using a strong organization around concepts. In addition review Chapter 49 (Reading and the Writing Process) in The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, paying particular attention to the section on Revising and Editing. It begins on page 1465. This may be helpful to you in
writing your final draft.
For yourselves, (and with the understanding that you probably wont have your previous essay back quite yet) to get you thinking about your essay consider your answers to the following questions about your final paper project.
1. Clarify which essay you have decided to expand and why you selected this essay.
2. If you are choosing the comparison option, explain what other reading/text you plan to connect to for your comparison and why.
3. What are the strengths of your original essay and how you will expand/improve upon
these strengths? What are the weaknesses of your original essay and what you will do
to turn these weaknesses into strong points?
4. What is your new thesis work on making it bigger, more layered and clearly
literary. If you choose to do a comparison essay, your argument must clarify the
connections in meaning you see between your texts.
5. What additional sources you will use (must have at least 4 sources for the final essay).
Read the Assignment Sheet titled Annotated Bibliography Criteria in the Essay Criteria module this assignment is worth 10% of your grade (100 points). Note that if you include either your primary sources (i.e. the poem or play you intend to analyze) or unacceptable sources(like Newsweek articles or other non-literary sources like interview or book/play reviews) youwill not get credit for those sources. This assignment is designed to help you, through research of external sources, begin the complex process of dismantling and expanding your argument and approach in the paper you are planning to expand for your final essay.Review the example Annotated Bibliography provided in the Example Assignments module this is what a 100% effort looks like for this assignment. Complete the assignment and turn it into theAnnotated Bibliography Drop Box via the quick link in this Lesson module.Annotated Bibliography Assignment 10% of your final grade
In preparation for your final research paper, this annotated bibliography assignment is an integral tool in helping one understand how research on a particular idea or text engages a project in an on-going academic conversation. Placing your own work into that dynamic is not always an easy task; therefore, by synthesizing and reflecting critically on at least 5 relevant sources that you are considering using for your final research paper, you will be able to more easily focus your argument while avoiding cutting and pastingoutside sources into your paper.
Your annotated bibliography should contain at least 5
entries, and should meet the following criteria:
Your sources must come from scholarly publications (peer reviewed)
You must include a variety of types of sources (journal articles, books, etc.).
You must include sources that provide a variety of perspectives on approach you plan to take.
Do not include encyclopedia or dictionary entries (You may consult these to learn background materials about your topic, but they will not count as one of your 6-8 sources)
DO NOT include your primary source(s) (i.e. the story, poem or play)this assignment calls for you to annotate external/secondary sources.You will not get credit for an annotation of your primary source or for improper sources in general.
For each of your sources, you should include an entry with relevant publication information in MLA format as it would appear on a works cited page foll owed by your annotation on the source.
Your annotations for each of your sources should be 220-250 words and do the following:
Summarize the source (chapter, book, article, or the like).
2.Identify the pieces argument (thesis/main point)
3.Rely primarily on your own words and phrasing
use summary and paraphrase.
4.Discuss the sources strengths and weaknesses. For example: a.Does the item offer a good introduction to
its larger concepts? b.Does the item deal with a particular aspect of critical analysis that is especially relevant to the approach you plan to take in your essay ? c.Do you find the piece accessible or is it geared to a more specialized audience?
5.Describe how this piece will contribute to your project.Clearly this last one will be very important to you/your final essay and the grade for this assignment

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comparison papers

comparison papers

Read the document/lecture titled “Comparison Papers” found in this lesson module. It is an
option(option as in optional?don’t ask me if you have to do a comparison paper because, as
I’ve said here?it’s optional) for you to rework your original paper by making a comparison to another work. If you chose this option, think carefully about how you will approach your new paper using a strong organization around concepts. In addition review Chapter 49 (Reading and the Writing Process) in The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, paying particular attention to the section on Revising and Editing. It begins on page 1465. This may be helpful to you in
writing your final draft.
For yourselves, (and with the understanding that you probably won’t have your previous essay back quite yet) to get you thinking about your essay consider your answers to the following questions about your final paper project.
1. Clarify which essay you have decided to expand and why you selected this essay.
2. If you are choosing the comparison option, explain what other reading/text you plan to connect to for your comparison and why.
3. What are the strengths of your original essay and how you will expand/improve upon
these strengths? What are the weaknesses of your original essay and what you will do
to turn these weaknesses into strong points?
4. What is your new thesis – work on making it “bigger”, more layered and clearly
literary. If you choose to do a comparison essay, your argument must clarify the
connections in meaning you see between your texts.
5. What additional sources you will use (must have at least 4 sources for the final essay).
Read the Assignment Sheet titled “Annotated Bibliography Criteria” in the Essay Criteria module – this assignment is worth 10% of your grade (100 points). Note that if you include either your primary sources (i.e. the poem or play you intend to analyze) or unacceptable sources(like Newsweek articles or other non-literary sources like interview or book/play reviews) youwill not get credit for those sources. This assignment is designed to help you, through research of external sources, begin the complex process of dismantling and expanding your argument and approach in the paper you are planning to expand for your final essay.Review the example Annotated Bibliography provided in the Example Assignments module – this is what a 100% effort looks like for this assignment. Complete the assignment and turn it into the”Annotated Bibliography Drop Box” via the quick link in this Lesson module.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment –10% of your final grade
In preparation for your final research paper, this annotated bibliography assignment is an integral tool in helping one understand how research on a particular idea or text engages a project in an on-going academic conversation. Placing your own work into that dynamic is not always an easy task; therefore, by synthesizing and reflecting critically on at least 5 relevant sources that you are considering using for your final research paper, you will be able to more easily focus your argument while avoiding “cutting and pasting”outside sources into your paper.
Your annotated bibliography should contain at least 5
entries, and should meet the following criteria:
•Your sources must come from scholarly publications (peer reviewed)
•You must include a variety of types of sources (journal articles, books, etc.).
•You must include sources that provide a variety of perspectives on approach you plan to take.
•Do not include encyclopedia or dictionary entries (You may consult these to learn background materials about your topic, but they will not count as one of your 6-8 sources)
•DO NOT include your primary source(s) (i.e. the story, poem or play)–this assignment calls for you to annotate external/secondary sources.You will not get credit for an annotation of your primary source or for improper sources in general.
For each of your sources, you should include an entry with relevant publication information in MLA format as it would appear on a works cited page foll owed by your annotation on the source.
Your annotations for each of your sources should be 220-250 words and do the following:
Summarize the source (chapter, book, article, or the like).
2.Identify the piece’s argument (thesis/main point)
3.Rely primarily on your own words and phrasing—
use summary and paraphrase.
4.Discuss the source’s strengths and weaknesses. For example: a.Does the item offer a good introduction to
its larger concepts? b.Does the item deal with a particular aspect of critical analysis that is especially relevant to the  approach you plan to take in your essay ? c.Do you find the piece accessible or is it geared to a more specialized audience?
5.Describe how this piece will contribute to your project.Clearly this last one will be very important to you/your final essay and the grade for this assignment

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comparison papers

comparison papers

Read the document/lecture titled “Comparison Papers” found in this lesson module. It is an
option(option as in optional?don’t ask me if you have to do a comparison paper because, as
I’ve said here?it’s optional) for you to rework your original paper by making a comparison to another work. If you chose this option, think carefully about how you will approach your new paper using a strong organization around concepts. In addition review Chapter 49 (Reading and the Writing Process) in The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, paying particular attention to the section on Revising and Editing. It begins on page 1465. This may be helpful to you in
writing your final draft.
For yourselves, (and with the understanding that you probably won’t have your previous essay back quite yet) to get you thinking about your essay consider your answers to the following questions about your final paper project.
1. Clarify which essay you have decided to expand and why you selected this essay.
2. If you are choosing the comparison option, explain what other reading/text you plan to connect to for your comparison and why.
3. What are the strengths of your original essay and how you will expand/improve upon
these strengths? What are the weaknesses of your original essay and what you will do
to turn these weaknesses into strong points?
4. What is your new thesis – work on making it “bigger”, more layered and clearly
literary. If you choose to do a comparison essay, your argument must clarify the
connections in meaning you see between your texts.
5. What additional sources you will use (must have at least 4 sources for the final essay).
Read the Assignment Sheet titled “Annotated Bibliography Criteria” in the Essay Criteria module – this assignment is worth 10% of your grade (100 points). Note that if you include either your primary sources (i.e. the poem or play you intend to analyze) or unacceptable sources(like Newsweek articles or other non-literary sources like interview or book/play reviews) youwill not get credit for those sources. This assignment is designed to help you, through research of external sources, begin the complex process of dismantling and expanding your argument and approach in the paper you are planning to expand for your final essay.Review the example Annotated Bibliography provided in the Example Assignments module – this is what a 100% effort looks like for this assignment. Complete the assignment and turn it into the”Annotated Bibliography Drop Box” via the quick link in this Lesson module.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment –10% of your final grade
In preparation for your final research paper, this annotated bibliography assignment is an integral tool in helping one understand how research on a particular idea or text engages a project in an on-going academic conversation. Placing your own work into that dynamic is not always an easy task; therefore, by synthesizing and reflecting critically on at least 5 relevant sources that you are considering using for your final research paper, you will be able to more easily focus your argument while avoiding “cutting and pasting”outside sources into your paper.
Your annotated bibliography should contain at least 5
entries, and should meet the following criteria:
•Your sources must come from scholarly publications (peer reviewed)
•You must include a variety of types of sources (journal articles, books, etc.).
•You must include sources that provide a variety of perspectives on approach you plan to take.
•Do not include encyclopedia or dictionary entries (You may consult these to learn background materials about your topic, but they will not count as one of your 6-8 sources)
•DO NOT include your primary source(s) (i.e. the story, poem or play)–this assignment calls for you to annotate external/secondary sources.You will not get credit for an annotation of your primary source or for improper sources in general.
For each of your sources, you should include an entry with relevant publication information in MLA format as it would appear on a works cited page foll owed by your annotation on the source.
Your annotations for each of your sources should be 220-250 words and do the following:
Summarize the source (chapter, book, article, or the like).
2.Identify the piece’s argument (thesis/main point)
3.Rely primarily on your own words and phrasing—
use summary and paraphrase.
4.Discuss the source’s strengths and weaknesses. For example: a.Does the item offer a good introduction to
its larger concepts? b.Does the item deal with a particular aspect of critical analysis that is especially relevant to the  approach you plan to take in your essay ? c.Do you find the piece accessible or is it geared to a more specialized audience?
5.Describe how this piece will contribute to your project.Clearly this last one will be very important to you/your final essay and the grade for this assignment

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